Design software dry goods information: coreldraw shortcut keys

coreldraw shortcut keys:

Display the navigation window (Navigatorwindow)【N】

Save the current graph【Ctrl】+【S】

Open the edit text dialog [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[T]

Erase a part of the graph or divide an object into two closed paths [X]

Undo the last operation【Ctrl】+【Z】

Undo the last operation【ALT】+【Backspase】

Vertically align the center of the selected object【Shift】+【A】

Disperse and align the center of the selected object vertically [Shift] + [C]

Align the center of the selected object vertically [C]

Change the text to vertical arrangement (switching style) [Ctrl]+[.]

Open an existing drawing document [Ctrl]+[O]

Print the current graph【Ctrl】+【P】

Open the “size tool shutter”【ALT】+【F10】

Run the zoom action and return to the previous tool【F2】

Run the zoom action and then return to the previous tool [Z]

Export text or objects to another format【Ctrl】+【E】

Import text or objects【Ctrl】+【I】

Send the selected object to the back【Shift】+【B】

Place the selected object to the back【Shift】+【PageDown】

Send the selected object to the front【Shift】+【T】

Put the selected object to the front【Shift】+【PageUp】

Send the selected object to the right 【Shift】+【R】

Send the selected object to the left 【Shift】+【L】

Align the text to the baseline【ALT】+【F12】

Align the object with the grid (switch)【Ctrl】+【Y】

Align the center of the selected object to the center of the page [P]

Draw a symmetrical polygon [Y]

Split the selected object【Ctrl】+【K】

Align the scatter of selected objects to the horizontal center of the stage【Shift】+【P】

Align the selected objects to the horizontal center of the page [Shift] + [E]

Open “Envelope Tool Roller Blind”【Ctrl】+【F7】

Open “Symbol and Special Character Tool Roller Blind” [Ctrl] + [F11]

Copy the selected item to the clipboard【Ctrl】+【C】

Copy the selected item to the clipboard【Ctrl】+【Ins】

Set the format of the text attribute【Ctrl】+【T】

Restore the last “Undo” operation [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Z]

Cut the selected object and place it in the “clipboard” [Ctrl] + [X]

Cut the selected object and place it in the “clipboard” [Shift] + [Del]

Reduce the font size to the previous font size setting. 【Ctrl】+Keyboard【2】

Apply gradient fill to the object【F11】

Combine selected objects【Ctrl】+【L】

Draw a rectangle; double-click the tool to create a page frame [F6]

Open the “Contour Pen” dialog box [F12]

Open “Contour Tool Roller Blind”【Ctrl】+【F9】

Draw a spiral; double-click the tool to open the “Tool Box” tab of the “Options” dialog box [A]

Start the “spelling checker”; check the spelling of the selected text【Ctrl】+【F12】

Switch between the current tool and the selected tool【Ctrl】+【Space】

Cancel the selection of the object or the group formed by the object group【Ctrl】+【U】

Display the full screen preview of the drawing【F9】

Group the selected objects [Ctrl]+[G]

Delete the selected object【Del】

Align the selected object on the top【T】

Reduce the font size to the last available setting in the font size list [Ctrl] + keypad [4]

Go to the previous page【PageUp】

Move the lens up relative to the painting【ALT】+【↑】

Generate “property bar” and aim at the first visible item that can be marked【Ctrl】+【Backspase】

Open “View Manager Tool Roller Blind” [Ctrl] + [F2]

Switch between the two most recently used view qualities【Shift】+【F9】

Draw lines and curves in “hand-drawn” mode [F5]

Use this tool to pan the drawing by clicking and dragging [H]

Display the attributes of the object or tool according to the current option or tool【ALT】+【Backspase】

Refresh the current drawing window【Ctrl】+【W】

Align the center of the selected object horizontally【E】

Change the text arrangement to the horizontal direction【Ctrl】+【,】

Open the “Zoom Tool Roller Blind” [ALT] + [F9]

Zoom all objects to the maximum【F4】

Zoom the selected object to the maximum【Shift】+【F2】

Reduce the graphics in the drawing【F3】

Add filling to the object; click and drag the object to achieve fountain-style filling [G]

Open “Lens Tool Roller Blind”【ALT】+【F3】

Open “graphic and text style tool scroll” [Ctrl]+[F5]

Exit CorelDRAW and prompt to save the active drawing【ALT】+【F4】

Draw ellipse and circle【F7】

Draw rectangle group【D】

Convert the object into a mesh filled object【M】

Open “Position Tool Roller Blind”【ALT】+【F7】

Add text (click to add “art font”; drag to add “paragraph text”)【F8】

Align the selected object below [B]

Increase the font size to the next setting in the font size list [Ctrl] + keypad 6

Go to the next page【PageDown】

Move the camera down relative to the painting【ALT】+【↓】

Contains the function of specifying the attributes of linear dimension lines【ALT】+【F2】

Add/remove bullets of text objects (toggle)【Ctrl】+M

Place the selected object to the backward position according to the stacking order of the objects [Ctrl]+[PageDown]

Place the selected object to the previous position according to the stacking order of the objects【Ctrl】+【PageUp】

Use the “super fine-tuning” factor to fine-tune the object upward [Shift] + [↑]

Fine-tune the object upward【↑】

Use the “fine tuning” factor to fine-tune the object upwards [Ctrl] + [↑]

Use the “super fine tuning” factor to fine-tune the object downward [Shift] + [↓]

Fine-tune the object downward【↓】

Use the “fine tuning” factor to fine-tune the object downward [Ctrl] + [↓]

Use the “super fine-tuning” factor to fine-tune the object to the right [Shift] + [←]

Fine-tune the object to the right【←】

Use the “fine tuning” factor to fine tune the object to the right [Ctrl] + [←]

Use the “super fine tuning” factor to fine tune the object to the left [Shift] + [→]

Fine-tune the object to the left【→】

Use the “fine tuning” factor to fine tune the object to the left [Ctrl] + [→]

Create a new drawing document【Ctrl】+【N】

Edit the node of the object; double-click the tool to open the “Node Edit Roller Window” [F10]

Open “rotating tool shutter”【ALT】+【F8】

Open the dialog box for setting CorelDRAW options [Ctrl]+[J]

Open the “Outline Color” dialog box【Shift】+【F12】

Apply uniform filling to the object【Shift】+【F11】

Display the entire printable page【Shift】+【F4】

Align the selected object to the right【R】

Move the camera to the right relative to the painting【ALT】+【←】

Reproduce the selected object and offset by the specified distance【Ctrl】+【D】

Increase the font size to the next font size setting. 【Ctrl】+Keyboard【8】

Paste the contents of the “clipboard” into the drawing [Ctrl]+[V]

Paste the contents of the “clipboard” into the drawing【Shift】+【Ins】

Start “What’s this?” Help【Shift】+【F1】

Repeat the last operation【Ctrl】+【R】

Convert artistic characters to paragraph text or vice versa【Ctrl】+【F8】

Convert the selected object into a curve【Ctrl】+【Q】

Convert contours into objects【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【Q】

Use fixed-width, pressure-sensitive, calligraphic or preset “natural pen” styles to draw curves [I]

Left align the selected object【L】

Move the lens to the left relative to the painting【ALT】+【→】

Display a list of all available/active HTML font sizes [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[H]

Change the text alignment to non-aligned【Ctrl】+【N】

Find the specified text in the drawing【ALT】+【F3】

Change the text style to bold【Ctrl】+【B】

Change the text alignment to scatter text within the range of the line width [Ctrl] + [H]

Change the case of selected text【Shift】+【F3】

Reduce the font size to the previous font size setting. 【Ctrl】+Keyboard【2】

Change the text alignment to center alignment【Ctrl】+【E】

Change the text alignment to justified [Ctrl]+[J]

Change all text characters to small uppercase characters [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[K]

Delete the word on the right of the text insertion mark【Ctrl】+【Del】

Delete the character to the right of the text insertion mark [Del]

Reduce the font size to the last available setting in the font size list [Ctrl] + keypad [4]

Move the text insertion mark up one paragraph【Ctrl】+【↑】

Move the text caret up one text box [PageUp]

Move the text insertion mark up one line【↑】

Add/remove the drop cap format of the text object (switch) [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[D]

Select the “Text” tab and open the “Options” dialog box [Ctrl] + [F10]

Change the text style to underlined style【Ctrl】+【U】

Increase the font size to the next setting in the font size list [Ctrl] + keypad [6]

Move the text insertion mark down one paragraph【Ctrl】+【↓】

Move the text caret down one text box【PageDown】

Move the text insertion mark down one line【↓】

Display non-printing characters [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[C]

Select a piece of text upwards【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【↑】

Select a text box upward【Shift】+【PageUp】

Select a line of text upward【Shift】+【↑】

Select a piece of text upwards【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【↑】

Select a text box upward【Shift】+【PageUp】

Select a line of text upward【Shift】+【↑】

Select a piece of text down [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[↓]

Select a text box down【Shift】+【PageDown】

Select a line of text down【Shift】+【↓】

Change the text style to italic【Ctrl】+【I】

Select the text at the end of the text【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【PageDown】

Select the text at the beginning of the text【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【PageUp】

Select the text at the beginning of the text box【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【Home】

Select the text at the end of the text box【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【End】

Select the text at the beginning of the line【Shift】+【Home】

Select the text at the end of the line【Shift】+【End】

Select the word to the right of the text insertion mark【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【←】

Select the character to the right of the text insertion mark【Shift】+【←】

Select the word on the left of the text insertion mark【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【→】

Select the character on the left of the text insertion mark【Shift】+【→】

Display a list of all painting styles【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【S】

Move the text caret to the beginning of the text【Ctrl】+【PageUp】

Move the text caret to the end of the text box【Ctrl】+End

Move the text caret to the beginning of the text box【Ctrl】+【Home】

Move the text insertion mark to the beginning of the line [Home]

Move the text caret to the end of the line【End】

Move the text insertion mark to the end of the text【Ctrl】+【PageDown】

Change the text alignment to right [Ctrl]+[R]

Move the text insertion mark to the right one word【Ctrl】+【←】

Move the text caret one character to the right [←]

Increase the font size to the next font size setting. 【Ctrl】+Keyboard【8】

Display a list of all available/active font weights【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【W】

Display a list of all available/active font sizes [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[P]

Display a list of all available/active fonts【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【F】

Change the text alignment to left [Ctrl]+[L]

Move the text caret one word to the left [Ctrl]+[→]

Move the text caret one character to the left [→]

Shortcut key to place the object in the container = Shift + Ctrl + A

Editor for running Visual Basic applications 【ALT】+【F11】

Start “What’s this?” Help 【Shift】+【F1】

Revert to the last action 【Ctrl】+【Z】

Revert to the previous action 【ALT】+【BackSpace】

Copy the selected objects and place them in the “clipbook” [Ctrl]+[C]

Copy the selected object and place it in the “clipbook” [Ctrl]+[INS]

Copy the specified attributes from another object to the selected object 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【A】

Cut the selected objects and place them in the “Scrapbook” [Ctrl]+[X]

Cut the selected objects and put them in the “Scrapbook” 【Shift】+【DEL】

Delete the selected object 【DEL】

Paste the contents of “Scrapbook” into the image file 【Ctrl】+【V】

Paste the contents of “Scrapbook” into the image file 【Shift】+【INS】

Reproduce the selected objects and offset them by the specified distance 【Ctrl】+【D】

Repeat the last action 【Ctrl】+【R】

Revert to the last restored action 【Ctrl】+【Shif

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