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Design software dry goods information: coreldraw shortcut keys

admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-04-14)

coreldraw shortcut keys: Display the navigation window (Navigatorwindow)【N】 Save the current graph【Ctrl】+【S】 Open the edit text dialog [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[T] Erase a part of the graph or divide an object into two closed paths [X] Undo the last operation【Ctrl】+【Z】 Undo the last operation【ALT】+【Backspase】 Vertically align the center of the selected object【Shift】+【A】 Disperse and align the center of […]
Online Photo Editor——Design software dry goods information: coreldraw shortcut keys


Online photoshop self-study manual


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-04-13)

4-1 Know the constituency Photoshop needs to specify an area when processing a partial image, that is, it needs to create a selection. Selection can limit editing to a certain area, so that we can process partial images without affecting other content. If no selection is created, the color of the entire photo will be […]
Online Photo Editor——Online photoshop self-study manual


Toolbox-2-Selection Tool

admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-04-13)

【Toolbox-2-Selection Tool】 [Rectangular Marquee Tool Group:] Rectangle Marquee Tool, Elliptical Marquee Tool, Single Row Marquee Tool, Single Column Marquee Tool. Personal understanding: PS mobile tool is a layer selection tool. The selection area is also a selection tool, it is only a partial selection tool, which is equivalent to a scalpel engulfing selection. 3. Rectangle […]
Online Photo Editor——Toolbox-2-Selection Tool


Graphic design-my experience after three years in the industry


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-04-13)

If God gave me a chance to come back again, I would still choose graphic design. 1. Graduating without learning and skill I come from an ordinary second school. I was crazy about LOL during school. I never went to professional courses. I just got confused and passed my homework. When I was about to […]
Online Photo Editor——Graphic design-my experience after three years in the industry


8 practical tips to improve the details of icon design


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-04-13)

The < blockquote > icon is one of the most critical parts of the UI page. It is a visual language, representing information, content and revealing the meaning behind the function. Share the 55th article of < div > clip Icons should use simple visual metaphors to make users understand and recognize them quickly. Good […]
Online Photo Editor——8 practical tips to improve the details of icon design


Graphic Design | Since ancient times, ordinary design can’t be retained, but the most popular routine


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-04-13)

Recently, many students who have just started their college career And students who are preparing to go abroad often ask Little More: ​Is it a bad job for graphic design majors? Does graphic design have very narrow employment opportunities after graduation? Is it difficult to develop in the future? Little More will give you a […]
Online Photo Editor——Graphic Design | Since ancient times, ordinary design can’t be retained, but the most popular routine


The topic we are going to talk about is “uneven plane”


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-04-13)

Before upgrade                After upgrade The topic we are talking about today is “flat”, but also “uneven”, so let’s start with a flat logo. Is there such a logo in your mind? The color of this logo is orange and red. It has been very hot recently. It is […]
Online Photo Editor——The topic we are going to talk about is “uneven plane”


What aspects should be involved in the content of an excellent graphic design portfolio?

admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-04-13)

Qualified works generally relate to the following aspects: 1 social, 2 commercial, and 3 academic. Sociality: Design comes from life. You should think about and discuss the relationship with social life and social culture from a social perspective and design methods. Commerciality: Use design methods, generally self-assertion projects, to meet people’s consumer needs, to create […]
Online Photo Editor——What aspects should be involved in the content of an excellent graphic design portfolio?


How to become a qualified game original artist


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-04-13)

Some netizens revealed that the current Glory of the Kings, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, League of Legends, and Dungeon. The characters, game scenes and hero skins are all based on the original game paintings. Because the skin is indeed very beautiful and attractive, it also makes many people look at the position of the original game of […]
Online Photo Editor——How to become a qualified game original artist


Is there a future for studying art now? What are the benefits

admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-04-13)

When we usually watch TV and movies, the painters we see generally have a miserable life. It feels that these people are painting day and night in their chaotic house, and they are often worried about their livelihoods, and they are often driven out by the landlord if they don’t agree with each other. In […]
Online Photo Editor——Is there a future for studying art now? What are the benefits


How about the salary of graphic design?


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-04-13)

Now many small partners are doing graphic design. Whether it is a junior high school graduate or a college student, there are a lot of people in this industry. So, what exactly is graphic design, and how much salary can you get after you learn it? ​ Graphic design needs to know the software Graphic […]
Online Photo Editor——How about the salary of graphic design?


Rectangle tool, path selection tool + pen tool, rotation copy, pen tool


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-04-02)

1、 Rectangle tool You can’t draw graphics directly within a layer Shift: add a new drawing ALT: cut and select graphics Shift + Alt: cross reserved Instead of selecting a shape from the drop-down menu, you can directly click next to it 2、 Path Selection Tool + pen tool If two graphics on the same […]
Online Photo Editor——Rectangle tool, path selection tool + pen tool, rotation copy, pen tool


[Online Web Photoshop learning] Super easy to make nine-square grid pattern


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-04-02)

In May, I started the extracurricular charging plan for learning PS. In more than half a month, I learned and shared, which made me gain a lot, and I became more interested in learning PS. So next June, I will continue to charge PS. If you are also interested in PS, welcome to communicate with […]
Online Photo Editor——[Online Web Photoshop learning] Super easy to make nine-square grid pattern


Nine Photoshop tips that beginners need to know


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-04-02)

At first glance, Adobe Photoshop seems a bit unbearable. Because it is so versatile, with so many powers, tools, and resources, it seems complicated for novices. The key is to find high-quality Photoshop skills and practice as much as possible. Considering that Photoshop is such a standard in the creative world, this is worth your […]
Online Photo Editor——Nine Photoshop tips that beginners need to know


Nodejs image processing tool gm usage

admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-03-29)

In H5 applications, sometimes some image processing operations are involved. Nodejs has a good background image processing module, which is called GM. GM has official documents, but I feel that they are too abstract to understand. Here are some common usages for your reference. Installation First install < a > graphicsmagick < / a > […]
Online Photo Editor——Nodejs image processing tool gm usage


Using Python to explore various ways of image processing


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-03-29)

Using Python to explore various ways of image processing I used Python to do some image and video processing functions. Recently, I took it out to play when I’m free at home, added some fun functions, and made it an online service, which can directly publish processing tasks on the web page. < strong > […]
Online Photo Editor——Using Python to explore various ways of image processing


Webpack 3.X learning image processing

admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-03-29)

Image processing in CSS Create a new images directory under the src directory, and put the pictures in the images folder; add a div tag to the index.html file: /src/index.html: <div id=”image”></div> Write css and add a background image to the div tag just added: /src/css/index.css: #image{ background: url(‘../images/webpack.jpg’); width: 497px; height: 270px; } Install […]
Online Photo Editor——Webpack 3.X learning image processing


How to work part-time as an artist to make pictures more real and beautiful

admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-03-28)

How to make pictures more real and beautiful? Today, will share with you some tips on how to make pictures more real and beautiful when working as a part-time artist. Mastering these skills can bring more click-through rates and higher conversions to the store, so everyone must pay attention to it! Some tips on […]
Online Photo Editor——How to work part-time as an artist to make pictures more real and beautiful


Is it difficult to cut out? nonexistent! Master the basic meaning of cutouts, and easily deal with all cutouts!


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-03-28)

1. Eraser Tool Eraser tool, more often than not, seems to have nothing to do with “matting”. However, it can play the role of “erasing”, so it can be used for matting. Its keyboard shortcut is: simply press a letter key “e”, and roughly erase the background or other parts of the screen you don’t […]
Online Photo Editor——Is it difficult to cut out? nonexistent! Master the basic meaning of cutouts, and easily deal with all cutouts!


Swift-Picture Processing Library ImageHelper Explained (Extended UIImage, UIImageView)

admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-03-28)

One, ImageHelper introduction ImageHelper (originally called AFImageHelper) is a class library for processing pictures written in Swift language, through the extension of UIImage and UIImageView. Make it increase the compression, color, gradient, cropping and other operation methods of the picture, and support the use of cache to get pictures from the website. Second, the configuration […]
Online Photo Editor——Swift-Picture Processing Library ImageHelper Explained (Extended UIImage, UIImageView)


The incredible manipulation of these online Photoshop masters is ridiculous


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-03-22)

< strong > < span > for help: < / span > < / strong > < span > I want to use this photo as a personal file, but I hope you know which one is me and I’m the one with the blue T-shirt < strong > < span > help: < / […]
Online Photo Editor——The incredible manipulation of these online Photoshop masters is ridiculous


Build a most simple image processing server


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-03-22)

Since the launch of qiniu, we have been using the service of qiniu cloud storage. We are always curious about the image processing. We just need to add parameters to the access link of the image to get the cropped or processed image according to the defined function. For the implementation mechanism, it can not […]
Online Photo Editor——Build a most simple image processing server


Can’t find the pictures


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-03-22)

As we all know, many of our work requires us to find some good-looking picture materials, and then process and edit the picture materials, but it’s easier said than done. Now, if you use a wrong picture, you will lose a lot of money. If the picture is not good-looking, you will be beaten back […]
Online Photo Editor——Can’t find the pictures


Removes the background commonly used tools to share

admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-03-18)

1. Drawing tools Lasso tool Multilateral Lasso Tool magnetic lasso tool Quick selection tool Magic wand tool Eraser Tool Background Eraser Tool Magic Eraser tool Zoom tool The above is a more popular tool for drawing 2 hair foreground button picture New — open the material prepared before — on the basis of the original […]
Online Photo Editor——Removes the background commonly used tools to share


Take you to know Photoshop’s timeline tool from scratch

admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-03-17)

Today’s easy-to-understand article will take you to know the timeline tool of PS from scratch, and attach a super simple color animation example. You can learn it in ten minutes and collect it! The first thing we need to understand is that there are 5 types of layers in PS, which are pixel layer, adjustment […]
Online Photo Editor——Take you to know Photoshop’s timeline tool from scratch


Very Cool color gradient technology, iPhone wallpaper, in fact, you can also make it!


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-03-16)

 gradient is a widely used form of expression in design. Many people like it. Today, we will introduce a cool gradient style, which you can often see on Apple mobile phones. < span > below are some application examples.   < span > at present, I divide the gradient of camouflage into four stages (easy […]
Online Photo Editor——Very Cool color gradient technology, iPhone wallpaper, in fact, you can also make it!


Commonly used shortcut keys for online Image Editor! Collect decisively


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-03-16)

Toolbox (If multiple tools share a shortcut key, press [Shift] at the same time to add this shortcut key to select) Rectangle and ellipse marquee tool 【M】 Cutting tool 【C】 Moving tool 【V】 Lasso, polygonal lasso, magnetic lasso 【L】 Magic Wand Tool 【W】 Spray gun tool 【J】 Brush tool 【B】 Elephant seal, pattern stamp 【S】 […]
Online Photo Editor——Commonly used shortcut keys for online Image Editor! Collect decisively


Add rain and fog glass effect to the picture


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-03-15)

This tutorial is to show the effect of seeing the night scene outside through the glass full of raindrops. In the production process, you need to blur and darken the background image, and then modify the raindrops and text on the glass! The production method is very simple, let’s learn it together! Final effect picture: […]
Online Photo Editor——Add rain and fog glass effect to the picture


“PhotoShop” to color black and white photos


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-03-15)

Looking for fading memories, wake up the sleeping past.With the power of design, let those black and white years glow again~ < span > tutorial renderings < strong > step 01 add selection Use the quick selection tool to select the range of the person’s skin and adjust the edge.     < strong > step […]
Online Photo Editor——“PhotoShop” to color black and white photos


photoshop tutorial: PS technology behind the most beautiful ID photos


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-03-15)

An exquisite ID photo may give us a good opportunity. With the photo blessing, the personal image immediately becomes three-dimensional. Resume photo When talking about ID photos, a familiar scene came to mind. The photographer sits upright in front of the screen, his hair is neatly tidied, his eyes are focused on the camera, his […]
Online Photo Editor——photoshop tutorial: PS technology behind the most beautiful ID photos

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