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30 hearty movies recommended


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-07-20)

the editor carefully sorted out 30 books and recommended them to you. I think they are a good collection. It’s definitely a cool film inventory, and the scores are relatively high. (Note: rank in no order) 1. Comprehensive score of rescued Jiang Ge: 8.6 Dr. Schultz traveled thousands of miles to the United States. What […]
Online Photo Editor——30 hearty movies recommended


22 practical color matching tools recommended


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-07-18)

color, as one of the important visual elements of design, can not only help designers effectively display and highlight the design language, but also easily and naturally reveal and convey the corresponding emotions of designers, quickly attract users’ attention, and cause users’ emotional resonance, so as to help designers create beautiful, cool and practical designs/ […]
Online Photo Editor——22 practical color matching tools recommended


Photoshop Tutorial – 13 online Photoshop tips


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-07-15)

with the popularity of graphic applications in work, PS has become a necessary skill required by more and more companies for office workers Yes, now simple office software such as PPT can no longer meet the needs of customers But when many friends first came into contact with PS, they were discouraged by the numerous […]
Online Photo Editor——Photoshop Tutorial – 13 online Photoshop tips


Online Photoshop can’t deal with these coincidental moments online


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-07-13)

perfect miss today, I bring you some interesting photos, which are about the dislocation and coincidence moments encountered in life. Unintentional shutter or ingenious creativity created these interesting works</ span> these photos, which are not very common in life, have a huge energy that makes people “dizzy” – some of them you must stare at […]
Online Photo Editor——Online Photoshop can’t deal with these coincidental moments online


Can you recognize who the first photo is (funny Photoshop picture)


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-07-12)

Since the birth of Photoshop graphics software, there have been many P-map masters on the Internet. Dating back to the last century, coloring black-and-white photos may be the earliest P-map. Below is a group of pictures modified by top P-map masters. Although very funny, they seem to have no sense of conflict</ p> 1. With […]
Online Photo Editor——Can you recognize who the first photo is (funny Photoshop picture)


How to take pictures of good people with light


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-07-10)

photography skills: photography is actually the art of light and shadow. If you have learned to use light and shadow to compose pictures, Congratulations, you have mastered more advanced photography skills. If you can’t, then the next content should be read carefully today, Xiaobian mainly takes portrait photography as an example to introduce the use […]
Online Photo Editor——How to take pictures of good people with light


Online image processing PS Xiaobai can also learn tricks to renovate old photos


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-07-08)

The Yellow photos of show our lost youth old photos have our memories of the past . With the passage of time , some old photos will also be damaged at this time, we need to have some skills to renovate old PS photos and a tool to help you repair old photos Teacher Lin […]
Online Photo Editor——Online image processing PS Xiaobai can also learn tricks to renovate old photos


Summary of Photoshop mapping skills for daily office work in the workplace


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-07-06)

in our daily life and work, we will encounter the following problems more or less: the size of the picture is too large. What should I do if I want to make it smaller</ span> what if you want to turn a rectangular picture into a circle</ span> this picture has watermark, how to remove […]
Online Photo Editor——Summary of Photoshop mapping skills for daily office work in the workplace


Black and white film can also take color? Red, green and blue filters show their magic power


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-07-05)

photographer Jacob Carlson recently released an interesting video of photography skills, and it seems that this skill appears in 2020, and it still has a sense of crossing. In this video, he will show you how to use the “tri color process” 160 years ago to take color photos with black-and-white film</ span> if you […]
Online Photo Editor——Black and white film can also take color? Red, green and blue filters show their magic power


How strong is the p-graph technique of the strong man? Women’s online celebrities are willing to bow down


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-07-01)

now everyone can’t live without their mobile phones. In their spare time, they will take out their mobile phones and brush the video, and the handsome guys and beautiful women in the video have always been filled with your mobile phone screen</ span> why do you seldom see beautiful and handsome men in real life, […]
Online Photo Editor——How strong is the p-graph technique of the strong man? Women’s online celebrities are willing to bow down


You can get a million years of photography without going out


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-06-30)

recently reviewed the movie [number one player], which was a popular sci-fi movie with VR games as the theme two years ago. There is no need to mention the specific content. I believe many friends already know the plot well</ span> this time, I actually pay more attention to the game world, which is another […]
Online Photo Editor——You can get a million years of photography without going out


Photoshop Tutorial – synthesizing transparent eggs


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-06-28)

the egg in the effect picture is composed of bubbles and light yellow. The process is also relatively simple. After selecting bubbles, use the deformation tool to change into the shape of an egg, then blend in the light yellow, and adjust the details final effect, cool or not ha ha ha I. open the […]
Online Photo Editor——Photoshop Tutorial – synthesizing transparent eggs


After reading the Japanese p-graph software, be careful when looking for objects on the Internet


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-06-26)

Previously, a Japanese program once interviewed a locomotive sister who was very topical on the Internet. It turned out that I was a 50-year-old uncle. After asking, I found out that it was the face changing app that was used to take pictures of beautiful girls’ lives on social media</ span> Uncle’s way of running […]
Online Photo Editor——After reading the Japanese p-graph software, be careful when looking for objects on the Internet


11 damaged old photos are repaired. This is the real Photoshop master!


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-06-24)

ps is most commonly used in advertising design, poster and other graphic production, as well as P-map work such as studio. Most of the time, it is used to make the pictures look better</ span> however, PS has more omnipotent functions, such as repair work Michelle Spalding, a foreign designer, has used PS to repair […]
Online Photo Editor——11 damaged old photos are repaired. This is the real Photoshop master!


Four photography skills teach you to hold “speed and passion”


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-06-23)

have you been shocked by the scenes of speed and passion? Cool flying cars and thrilling fighting scenes, how can car fans, movie fans and speed fans miss it! So how can we not only grasp the essence of motion photography, but also reflect the visual impact of speed? We have summarized four photography techniques, […]
Online Photo Editor——Four photography skills teach you to hold “speed and passion”


2022 Sony World Photography Competition Awards announced


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-06-21)

The Sony world photography competition was announced before 2022, and the winners of the professional group, public group and youth group of the competition were announced. It is understood that the competition received more than 344000 works from more than 200 countries and regions. After layers of review, the winners and finalists of each group […]
Online Photo Editor——2022 Sony World Photography Competition Awards announced


15 photos that are suspected to have been processed by PS, but they are actually real!


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-06-17)

as we all know, with the powerful function of PS, photos can be changed at will to show interesting effects. But there are so many photos of PS that people can’t help leaving “sequelae” 3354. Even if they see a real photo, they will think it is PS because the picture is special. In fact, […]
Online Photo Editor——15 photos that are suspected to have been processed by PS, but they are actually real!


Techniques for shooting dreamy soft focus style


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-06-16)

In our portrait shooting, are all the photos as clear as possible? I think the answer is No. sometimes, we will consider adding some romantic and soft feelings to the scenery, just like a dream. This is what we call soft light photography style</ p> First, let’s take a look at some of my soft […]
Online Photo Editor——Techniques for shooting dreamy soft focus style


Getting these knowledge is required to take charming light spots


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-06-15)

virtualization is a kind of picture phenomenon that each of us will find when we are in contact with photography. How to get more perfect virtualization, how to use virtualization, and how to make virtualization become a bonus item of the work. Here are 12 pieces of knowledge about virtualization. I hope you can easily […]
Online Photo Editor——Getting these knowledge is required to take charming light spots


7 methods to teach you to take layered landscape photos


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-06-10)

Landscape photography is the most common kind of photography whether in daily life or traveling, you can take good landscape photos In ordinary shooting, people only pay attention to the discovery of beautiful scenery and ignore the performance of the sense of hierarchy. How to get a sense of hierarchy? You can try the following […]
Online Photo Editor——7 methods to teach you to take layered landscape photos


15 scientific designs to make life full of sunshine


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-06-08)

Every industry has its own design lion. From houses, furniture, electrical appliances to every tool used in our life, it is specially designed by people. However, the ingenious design of some designers not only greatly improves the creativity of the article, but also makes it simpler, more convenient and more satisfactory for us to use […]
Online Photo Editor——15 scientific designs to make life full of sunshine


Photography, determine the key focus – 10 rules


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-06-02)

when shooting, we must cultivate clear the good habit of choosing focus</ span> in this way, the subject of shooting will be defined, how to determine the focus subject</ span> here are ten key focus rules: I. When shooting close-up of characters: eyes are the key focus</ strong> close up photos of characters, usually in […]
Online Photo Editor——Photography, determine the key focus – 10 rules


How wild can the online photoshop master be? Just look at it!


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-05-18)

the magical nature, can always give us unexpected surprises, and to find these, you need a pair of bright eyes Monica Carvalho of Germany, is always happy and practicing a unique color playing method here he likes to use collage, closely piece together two things that are different from each other   works with big […]
Online Photo Editor——How wild can the online photoshop master be? Just look at it!


Photoshop Tutorial: making collages


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-04-26)

Make collages Today, we’ll learn how to make collages using the insert embedded smart object command</ p> 1. First, we open Photoshop. Here, we first need to open a material used as the background. In this interface, we can directly click the open button, or execute the file and open command, or use the shortcut […]
Online Photo Editor——Photoshop Tutorial: making collages


Visual alignment of user interface (Virgo welfare)


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-04-26)

  < / I > < / b > < I > < b > content introduction < / b > < / I > Like the title of the article, this article is the welfare of Virgo designers, mainly about “how to design visually balanced icons, correct shape alignment, and perfect fillet processing methods.” […]
Online Photo Editor——Visual alignment of user interface (Virgo welfare)


How to do user experience well? The top 10 influential figures should not be missed!


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-03-04)

The following contents are translated and sorted out by the mockplus team for learning and communication only. Mockplus is a faster and simpler prototype design tool</ b> Since 1999, don Norman has coined the term user experience. Although this term has only been created for 20 years, user experience has become an important part of […]
Online Photo Editor——How to do user experience well? The top 10 influential figures should not be missed!


To Photoshop novice: how can we really learn Photoshop well? How to master Photoshop skills?


admin posted on 2Years ago (2022-03-04)

Photoshop is a necessary tool for professional designers to cultivate themselves, but in the face of this giant that has evolved since 87, it is not easy to defeat it without the guidance of predecessors. Today, let’s share how to play PS in the field of photography Tip: at the beginning, students who came into […]
Online Photo Editor——To Photoshop novice: how can we really learn Photoshop well? How to master Photoshop skills?


Bad camera technology? PS as long as the later stage is good!


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-12-06)

in the film age, every time you press the shutter, it is directly linked to money, films and cameras were very precious at that time so the basic skills of photographers in that era were very solid the environment and parameters should be memorized firmly of course, the current electronic shutter has reduced the cost […]
Online Photo Editor——Bad camera technology? PS as long as the later stage is good!


What are Apple’s particularly stupid designs, such as iPhone?


admin posted on 3Years ago (2021-11-08)

The charging posture of apple mouse can’t be used when charging SMS can not be sent by switching between primary and secondary cards freely. The same contact does not delete the old SMS record. Up to now, I don’t know how to switch the card to send SMS I’m a little angry today. After jobs […]
Online Photo Editor——What are Apple’s particularly stupid designs, such as iPhone?

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